Bay Area Tides 2009

Click on the date you're interested in to see a graph, generated by xtide.
			     Lunar Calendar 2009
	      F = full moon   N = new moon   ^ = minus tide (SF)

Jan|    123|4567890|1234567|8901234|5678901|
   |       |   ^^^F|^^^^   |    ^^^|N^^    |
Feb        |1234567|8901234|5678901|2345678|
           |   ^^^^|^F^^   |       |^^N    |
Mar        |1234567|8901234|5678901|2345678|901    |
           |    ^^^|^^F    |       |    N ^|^^^    |
Apr        |   1234|5678901|2345678|9012345|67890  |
           |   ^^^^|^   F^^|^^^    |     N^|^^^^^  |
May        |     12|3456789|0123456|7890123|4567890|1      |
           |     ^^|   ^^F^|^^^^^  |     ^^|N^^^^^^|       |
Jun                | 123456|7890123|4567890|1234567|890    |
                   |    ^^^|F^^^^^ |     ^^|^N^^^^^|       |
Jul                |   1234|5678901|2345678|9012345|678901 |
                   |     ^^|^^F^^^ |      ^|^^N^^^^|       |
Aug                |      1|2345678|9012345|6789012|3456789|01     |
                   |       |^^^F^  |       |^^^^N^ |       |       |
Sep                        |  12345|6789012|3456789|0123456|7890   |
                           |     F |       | ^^^^N | ^     |       |
Oct                        |    123|4567890|1234567|8901234|5678901|
                           |      F| ^^^^^^| ^    N|^^^^^  |       |
Nov                                |1234567|8901234|5678901|2345678|90     |
                                   |^F^^^^^|^     ^|^N^^^^^|       |^^     |
Dec                                |  12345|6789012|3456789|0123456|78901  |
                                   |  F^^^^|^^    ^|^^^N^^^|^      | ^^^F  |
Jan2010                            |     12|3456789|0123456|7890123|4567890|1
                                   |     ^^|^^     |^^^^N^^|       |  ^^^F^|^

2008 version.
Handy text version of the lunar calendar.
More general tide grapher.
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