bogomilter - system-wide mail filter module that calls bogofilter

Fetch version 0.50. Release notes.
This software is still in beta test. Use at your own risk. Current status:
  • Not written yet.

Sendmail includes a facility for plugging in custom mail filters, called milters. It's documented here. Bogomilter uses this facility to call bogofilter on every piece of mail coming into the system.

Mailing Lists

Are you using bogomilter? There's a mailing list: ( to subscribe). And an announcements-only mailing list: ( to subscribe). Anything send to the announcements list also goes to the regular list, so you don't need to be on both.

Release Notes


This is very abbreviated, intended mainly as a reminder for those who have worked with milters before. If it's your first milter, you should look on the web for more thorough documentation. Also, these instructions are pretty specific to FreeBSD, and will have to be adapted for other OSs.

  1. Make sure your sendmail is compiled with the MILTER option. (Starting with version 8.13 this is enabled by default.) You can use this command to check:
    sendmail -d0.1 -bt < /dev/null | grep MILTER
    If you don't see MILTER in the compilation options, you will have to re-build sendmail.
  2. Fetch, build, and install bogofilter.
  3. Build and install the bogomilter executable, by doing a './configure ; make ; make install'.
  4. Edit your and add a mail filter macro, for example:
    INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`bogomilter',`S=unix:/var/run/bogomilter.sock, T=S:4m;R:4m')
    Rebuild and install
  5. Run bogomilter, with the same socket argument you used in
    # bogomilter unix:/var/run/bogomilter.sock
  6. Stop and re-start sendmail.
  7. Look in /var/log/maillog for messages from bogomilter.
  8. When you've verified that it's working, add lines to your /etc/rc.conf so it starts up at boot time:

See also: spfmilter, sfcmilter, blackmilter, sample_milter.
Is Bogofilter Scaleable? by Greg Louis.
Scalable Centralized Bayesian Spam Mitigation with Bogofilter by Jeremy Blosser and David Josephsen.
ACME Labs / Software / bogomilter