file_stat - display all info for specified files

Fetch the software.

file_stat is basically "ls" for programmers. Every item in "struct stat" gets displayed. Here's a sample:

% file_stat ~
  st_dev      168704
  st_ino      316974
  st_mode     00000040755  drwxr-xr-x
  st_nlink    60
  st_uid      1544
  st_gid      1002
  st_rdev     2657440
  st_atime    1108068958  10Feb2005 12:55:58
  st_mtime    1108068755  10Feb2005 12:52:35
  st_ctime    1108068755  10Feb2005 12:52:35
  st_size     2560
  st_blocks   8
  st_blksize  4096
  st_flags    0x00000000  
  st_gen      0

See the manual entry for more details.

ACME Labs / Software / file_stat