WeLL System Status

Fri Jun 15 12:18:22 PDT 2012

Amazon EC2 services, the cloud where our servers reside, has called for us to shut down and relaunch well.com and user.well.com, the servers where WELL conferencing lives. Tomorrow, Saturday June 16, those services will be unavailable from approximately 9pm until 11:00pm Pacific Daylight Time while wolfy migrates services to new instances. (Last night there was significant disruption that was probably unrelated to this next action, but which also came from problems at the Amazon cloud. Sorry for the inconvenience.) Thank you for your patience and loyalty.


Fri Jun 15 09:38:22 PDT 2012

All systems are up and running.


Fri Jun 15 01:22:04 PDT 2012

Email is down due to problems in the Amazon Cloud. We do not have an ETA at this time, but email may not be available until late morning or later.
