Jef Poskanzer's Photography
"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven
[Friends and Family]
[Industrial Archaeology]
[Deserts and Cacti]
[Hot Springs]
[Ultraviolet Light]
[The Bevatron]
[burningman '98 and '96]
[Red Oak Victory]
[Albany Bulb]
17dec2018 Alameda
Went to visit the new Jean Sweeney Open Space Park in Alameda. There's a nice playground and a very useful segment of the Cross-Alameda Trail.
15dec2018 Oakland
Another ride down Telegraph to Oakland.
13dec2018 Sunset
Golden Gate sunset from Mad Mark's Castle on the Albany Bulb.
09dec2018 SF
A Flickr/Smugmug photowalk in SF, along Haight Street.
08dec2018 Sunset
Another good sunset.
07dec2018 Sunset
A centered sunset from the Albany Bulb. Also a new playground in Emeryville.
06dec2018 SF
Beautiful warm late Fall day for a ride in the city. Also the earliest sunset of the year.
02dec2018 Oakland
Rode through Oakland to Alameda, the airport, and Coliseum BART.
30nov2018 SF
Nice sunny day between rain storms. I biked around SF, including the Golden Gate.
24nov2018 San Leandro
Nice long bike ride to San Leandro, then BART home. For some reason the theme today was: typos.
22nov2018 Thanksgiving
Did a bike ride in SF in the morning, it was a beautiful Fall day. Then had a nice Thanksgiving dinner in the evening.
15nov2018 Crab Day
Opening day of commercial crab season in SF!
11nov2018 Oakland
Still lots of smoke in the air.
08nov2018 Sunset
Lots of smoke from the Camp Fire near Chico.
07nov2018 Marin
Biked from San Rafael to San Francisco. I still haven't seen a SMART train though.
06nov2018 Albany
A new segment of the Bay Trail under construction along the Albany Shoreline.
05nov2018 Oakland
An afternoon ride to Oakland, followed by an interesting centered sunset from the Berkeley Marina.
02nov2018 SF
Did a very long ride through Oakland and SF.
01nov2018 Sunset
A nice sunset from the Lawrence Hall of Science.
30oct2018 SF
A warm clear Fall day in SF. I biked the Ocean Beach route.
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