Jef Poskanzer's Photography
"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven
[Friends and Family]
[Industrial Archaeology]
[Deserts and Cacti]
[Hot Springs]
[Ultraviolet Light]
[The Bevatron]
[burningman '98 and '96]
[Red Oak Victory]
[Albany Bulb]
23jan2016 Bay Bridge
Another ride out the Bay Bridge bike path. They are getting ready to remove another segment of the old bridge.
21jan2016 SF
Bike ride and lunch in the city. The first signs of Spring are popping up!
15jan2016 East Bay Shoreline
Biked the East Bay shoreline from San Leandro to Coyote Hills.
13jan2016 Sunset
Hazy Golden Gate sunset from Fleming Point.
10jan2016 Mushrooms
Rode up to Lake Anza to see how the mushrooms are doing. Not very much fungal action yet, I'll check again in a month if El Niño keeps up. But I did find a nifty old abandoned car that I never knew about before.
07jan2016 Oakland
First warm winter day. I biked through Oakland and Alameda and Oakland.
2016 Et Cetera
Miscellaneous photos from 2016.
29dec2015 SF
Wandering around the city on a warmish winter day.
26dec2015 Bay Bridge
A ride out the Bay Bridge bike path.
25dec2015 Dinner
Some food pix from Christmas dinner.
23dec2015 Marin
Bike ride from San Rafael to San Francisco, including some King Tide flooding.
19dec2015 SF
A long bike ride around the city. Not too many photos though.
15dec2015 Bulb & Butterflies
A visit to the Albany Bulb, plus more pix of the monarch butterflies over-wintering in Berkeley's Aquatic Park.
11dec2015 Big Friday
Went to see some big waves out at the beach.
04dec2015 FNDSC
A ride around the city, followed by a meeting of the Friday Night Drinking and Shooting Club.
02dec2015 Sunset
I was in position for the Golden Gate centered sunset but clouds blocked it. Then I waited around for the afterburn which turned out to be super spectacularrrrr.
28nov2015 Sunset
A pretty good Golden Gate centered sunset.
28nov2015 SF
My usual ride from Daly City BART along Ocean Beach, through Golden Gate Park, and along The Embarcadero.
27nov2015 Bay Bridge
Post-Thanksgiving ride out the Bay Bridge bike path.
26nov2015 Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving dinner with the family. The photos of me carving were taken by my brother Harold.
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