// Psg - a PostScript-like alternative to the Graphics class // // Copyright (C) 1996 by Jef Poskanzer . All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS // OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY // OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. // // Visit the ACME Labs Java page for up-to-date versions of this and other // fine Java utilities: http://www.acme.com/java/ package Acme; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.applet.*; /// // // A PostScript-like alternative to the Graphics class. //

// This class provides a functional equivalent of java.awt.Graphics, // but with a very PostScript-like interface. It implements the following // PostScript operators: //

// gsave grestore grestoreall initgraphics setlinewidth setcolor setgray // sethsbcolor setrgbcolor translate scale rotate transform dtransform // itransform idtransform // newpath moveto rmoveto lineto rlineto arc arcn curveto rcurveto closepath // flattenpath clippath pathbbox // erasepage fill stroke // rectfill rectstroke // findfont scalefont setfont // show stringwidth //
// Not only is this a more powerful rendering idiom than the standard // Graphics class, but it also makes it hellof easy to translate // PostScript graphics hacks into Java. Here's a // sample: //
// // //

// JavaSoft and Adobe are said to be working on a 2-D rendering API // similar to PostScript, and therefore similar to this. When that // comes out this class will probably be obsolete, so I don't plan // on doing any major improvements. //

// Fetch the software.
// Fetch the entire Acme package. public class Psg { private Component component; private Graphics graphics; private PsgState current; private Stack gStack; private Vector path; // holds PsgPathItems private PsgPathItem subpathStart; // pointer to most recent move /// Constructor from Component. // This is the preferred way to make a Psg. public Psg( Component component ) { this.component = component; this.graphics = component.getGraphics(); initgraphics(); } /// Constructor from Graphics. // If you don't have a Component, you can create a Psg from a Graphics // instead, but this is not as good. public Psg( Graphics graphics ) { this.component = null; this.graphics = graphics; initgraphics(); } /// Save the current graphics state onto a stack. public void gsave() { PsgState next = (PsgState) current.clone(); gStack.push( current ); current = next; } /// Restore the last Save()ed graphics state. public void grestore() { if ( gStack.empty() ) initgraphics(); else { current = (PsgState) gStack.pop(); if ( current.font == null ) graphics.setFont( current.font ); } } /// Pop to bottom-most graphics state. public void grestoreall() { // This is equivalent to initgraphics(), isn't it? while ( ! gStack.empty() ) grestore(); } /// Reset graphics state. public void initgraphics() { current = new PsgState(); gStack = new Stack(); path = new Vector(); subpathStart = null; // Set the current transformation to fit screen space. Dimension d = size(); this.translate( 0.0, d.height ); this.scale( 1.0, -1.0 ); erasepage(); } /// Set the current line width. public void setlinewidth( double linewidth ) { current.linewidth = wtransform( linewidth ); } /// Set the current color. public void setcolor( Color color ) { current.color = color; } /// Set the color to the specified gray value (0=black, 1=white). public void setgray( float grayVal ) { setrgbcolor( grayVal, grayVal, grayVal ); } /// Set the color from HSB coordinates. public void sethsbcolor( float hue, float saturation, float brightness ) { setcolor( new Color( Color.HSBtoRGB( hue, saturation, brightness ) ) ); } /// Set the color from RGB coordinates. public void setrgbcolor( float r, float g, float b ) { setcolor( new Color( r, g, b ) ); } /// Translate graphics space. public void translate( double tx, double ty ) { double nx = tx * current.matrix.xx + ty * current.matrix.yx + current.matrix.tx; double ny = ty * current.matrix.yy + tx * current.matrix.xy + current.matrix.ty; current.matrix.tx = nx; current.matrix.ty = ny; } /// Scale graphics space. public void scale( double sx, double sy ) { current.matrix.xx *= sx; current.matrix.xy *= sx; current.matrix.yx *= sy; current.matrix.yy *= sy; } /// Rotate graphics space. public void rotate( double degrees ) { double radians = toRadians( degrees ); double cos = Math.cos( radians ); double sin = Math.sin( radians ); double sxx = current.matrix.xx; double sxy = current.matrix.xy; current.matrix.xx = cos * sxx + sin * current.matrix.yx; current.matrix.xy = cos * sxy + sin * current.matrix.yy; current.matrix.yx = cos * current.matrix.yx - sin * sxx; current.matrix.yy = cos * current.matrix.yy - sin * sxy; } /// Transform (x, y) into a device-space x-coordinate. public int transform_x( double x, double y ) { return (int) ( x * current.matrix.xx + y * current.matrix.yx + current.matrix.tx ); } /// Transform (x, y) into a device-space y-coordinate. public int transform_y( double x, double y ) { return (int) ( y * current.matrix.yy + x * current.matrix.xy + current.matrix.ty ); } /// Transform (dx, dy) into a device-space x-distance. public int dtransform_x( double dx, double dy ) { return (int) ( dx * current.matrix.xx + dy * current.matrix.yx ); } /// Transform (dx, dy) into a device-space y-distance. public int dtransform_y( double dx, double dy ) { return (int) ( dy * current.matrix.yy + dx * current.matrix.xy ); } /// Inverse transform (x, y) into a user-space x-coordinate. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public double itransform_x( int x, int y ) throws PsgException { PsgMatrix inv = current.matrix.invert(); return x * inv.xx + y * inv.yx + inv.tx; } /// Inverse transform (x, y) into a user-space y-coordinate. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public double itransform_y( int x, int y ) throws PsgException { PsgMatrix inv = current.matrix.invert(); return y * inv.yy + x * inv.xy + inv.ty; } /// Inverse transform (dx, dy) into a user-space x-distance. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public double idtransform_x( int dx, int dy ) throws PsgException { PsgMatrix inv = current.matrix.invert(); return dx * inv.xx + dy * inv.yx; } /// Inverse transform (dx, dy) into a user-space y-distance. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public double idtransform_y( int dx, int dy ) throws PsgException { PsgMatrix inv = current.matrix.invert(); return dy * inv.yy + dx * inv.xy; } // Transform a width into device space. private int wtransform( double width ) { int dx = dtransform_x( width, width ); int dy = dtransform_y( width, width ); return ( Math.abs( dx ) + Math.abs( dy ) ) / 2; } /// Start a new, empty path. public void newpath() { current.point = null; path.setSize( 0 ); subpathStart = null; } /// Set the current point. public void moveto( double x, double y ) { if ( current.point == null ) current.point = new DoublePoint(); current.point.x = x; current.point.y = y; PsgPathItem n = new PsgPathItem( transform_x( x, y ), transform_y( x, y ), 0, false ); path.addElement( n ); subpathStart = n; } /// Relative moveto(). // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void rmoveto( double dx, double dy ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); moveto( current.point.x + dx, current.point.y + dy ); } /// Add a line to the path. // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void lineto( double x, double y ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); current.point.x = x; current.point.y = y; PsgPathItem n = new PsgPathItem( transform_x( x, y ), transform_y( x, y ), current.linewidth, true ); path.addElement( n ); } /// Relative lineto(). // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void rlineto( double dx, double dy ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); lineto( current.point.x + dx, current.point.y + dy ); } private final double segAng = 5.0; /// Append counterclockwise arc. public void arc( double cx, double cy, double r, double ang1, double ang2 ) { ang1 = normAngle( ang1 ); ang2 = normAngle( ang2 ); if ( ang2 <= ang1 ) ang2 += 360.0; for ( double a = ang1 ; a < ang2; a += segAng ) arcSeg( cx, cy, r, a ); arcSeg( cx, cy, r, ang2 ); } /// Append clockwise arc. public void arcn( double cx, double cy, double r, double ang1, double ang2 ) { ang1 = normAngle( ang1 ); ang2 = normAngle( ang2 ); if ( ang2 >= ang1 ) ang2 -= 360.0; for ( double a = ang1 ; a > ang2; a -= segAng ) arcSeg( cx, cy, r, a ); arcSeg( cx, cy, r, ang2 ); } private void arcSeg( double cx, double cy, double r, double a ) { double x = cx + r * Math.cos( toRadians( a ) ); double y = cy + r * Math.sin( toRadians( a ) ); if ( current.point == null ) moveto( x, y ); else try { lineto( x, y ); } catch ( Acme.PsgException e ) { // Shouldn't happen. throw new InternalError(); } } private final double tStep = 0.025; /// Append a Bezier cubic section. // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void curveto( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); double x0 = current.point.x; double y0 = current.point.y; double cx = ( x1 - x0 ) * 3.0; double cy = ( y1 - y0 ) * 3.0; double bx = ( x2 - x1 ) * 3.0 - cx; double by = ( y2 - y1 ) * 3.0 - cy; double ax = x3 - x0 - cx - bx; double ay = y3 - y0 - cy - by; for ( double t = 0.0; t < 1.0; t += tStep ) curveSeg( ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, x0, y0, t ); curveSeg( ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, x0, y0, 1.0 ); } private void curveSeg( double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double cx, double cy, double x0, double y0, double t ) { double t2 = t * t; double t3 = t2 * t; double x = ax * t3 + bx * t2 + cx * t + x0; double y = ay * t3 + by * t2 + cy * t + y0; try { lineto( x, y ); } catch ( Acme.PsgException e ) { // Shouldn't happen. throw new InternalError(); } } /// Relative curveto. // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void rcurveto( double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, double dx3, double dy3 ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); double x0 = current.point.x; double y0 = current.point.y; curveto( x0 + dx1, y0 + dy1, x0 + dx2, y0 + dy2, x0 + dx3, y0 + dy3 ); } /// Connect current path back to its starting point. public void closepath() { if ( subpathStart != null ) path.addElement( new PsgPathItem( subpathStart.p.x, subpathStart.p.y, current.linewidth, true ) ); current.point = null; subpathStart = null; } /// Convert curves in the path to sequences of straight lines. public void flattenpath() { // This is actually a no-op, since we always represent curves // as sequences of straight lines. } /// Set the current path to the clipping path. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public void clippath() throws PsgException { Dimension d = size(); rectpath( itransform_x( 0, 0 ), itransform_y( 0, 0 ), idtransform_x( d.width, d.height ), idtransform_y( d.width, d.height ) ); } /// Return the bounding box of the current path. // The return is in the form of a four-element array - element 0 is // llx, 1 is lly, 2 is urx, and 3 is ury. // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public double[] pathbbox() throws PsgException { if ( path.isEmpty() ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); int llx, lly, urx, ury; llx = ury = Integer.MAX_VALUE; urx = lly = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Enumeration e = path.elements(); while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { PsgPathItem pi = (PsgPathItem) e.nextElement(); llx = Math.min( llx, pi.p.x ); lly = Math.max( lly, pi.p.y ); urx = Math.max( urx, pi.p.x ); ury = Math.min( ury, pi.p.y ); } double[] r = new double[4]; r[0] = itransform_x( llx, lly ); r[1] = itransform_y( llx, lly ); r[2] = itransform_x( urx, ury ); r[3] = itransform_y( urx, ury ); return r; } /// Paint the whole graphics area with the background color. public void erasepage() { Dimension d = size(); graphics.clearRect( 0, 0, d.width, d.height ); } /// Fill current path with current color. public void fill() { int x, y; Polygon poly = null; graphics.setColor( current.color ); Enumeration e = path.elements(); while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { PsgPathItem pi = (PsgPathItem) e.nextElement(); if ( ! pi.draw ) { if ( poly != null ) graphics.fillPolygon( poly ); poly = new Polygon(); } poly.addPoint( pi.p.x, pi.p.y ); x = pi.p.x; y = pi.p.y; } if ( poly != null ) graphics.fillPolygon( poly ); newpath(); } /// Draw lines along the current path. public void stroke() { int x = 0, y = 0; // initial values don't ever get used graphics.setColor( current.color ); Enumeration e = path.elements(); while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { PsgPathItem pi = (PsgPathItem) e.nextElement(); if ( pi.draw ) if ( pi.linewidth < 1 ) graphics.drawLine( x, y, pi.p.x, pi.p.y ); else Acme.GuiUtils.drawThickLine( graphics, x, y, pi.p.x, pi.p.y, pi.linewidth ); x = pi.p.x; y = pi.p.y; } newpath(); } /// Fill a rectangular path. public void rectfill( double x, double y, double width, double height ) { gsave(); rectpath( x, y, width, height ); fill(); grestore(); } /// Stroke a rectangular path. public void rectstroke( double x, double y, double width, double height ) { gsave(); rectpath( x, y, width, height ); stroke(); grestore(); } // Make a rectangular path. private void rectpath( double x, double y, double width, double height ) { newpath(); moveto( x, y ); try { rlineto( width, 0 ); rlineto( 0, height ); rlineto( -width, 0 ); } catch ( Acme.PsgException e ) { // Shouldn't happen. throw new InternalError(); } closepath(); } /// Set the current font to the specified name, style, and size. // Similar to a PostScript findfont scalefont setfont sequence. // @param name the name of the font - Dialog, Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier // @param style some combination of Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, and Font.ITALIC // @param size how tall the font should be public void setfont( String name, int style, double size ) { setfontName( name ); setfontStyle( style ); setfontSize( size ); } /// Set the current font to the specified name. // @param name the name of the font - Dialog, Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier public void setfontName( String name ) { current.fontName = new String( name ); current.font = null; } /// Set the current font to the specified style. // @param style some combination of Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, and Font.ITALIC public void setfontStyle( int style ) { current.fontStyle = style; current.font = null; } /// Set the current font to the specified size. // @param size how tall the font should be public void setfontSize( double size ) { current.fontSize = dtransform_y( 0.0, size ); current.font = null; } /// Paint a string starting at the current point. // Doesn't do rotation yet. // @exception Acme.PsgException "no current point" public void show( String str ) throws PsgException { if ( current.point == null ) throw new PsgException( "no current point" ); if ( current.font == null ) { current.font = new Font( current.fontName, current.fontStyle, current.fontSize ); graphics.setFont( current.font ); } graphics.drawString( str, transform_x( current.point.x, current.point.y ), transform_y( current.point.x, current.point.y ) ); } /// Return the x-width of a string. // Doesn't do rotation yet. // @exception Acme.PsgException "undefined result" public double stringwidth_x( String str ) throws PsgException { FontMetrics fm = graphics.getFontMetrics(); return idtransform_x( fm.stringWidth( str ), 0 ); } private Dimension size() { if ( component != null ) return component.size(); // return component.getSize(); // Second choice - use the clipping area. Rectangle r = graphics.getClipBounds(); return new Dimension( r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height ); } private static double normAngle( double a ) { int circles = (int) ( a / 360.0 ); return a - circles * 360.0; } private static double toRadians( double a ) { return a * Math.PI / 180.0; } /// Test program. public static void main( String[] args ) { new MainFrame( new PsgTest(), args, 350, 350 ); } } class PsgState implements Cloneable { public int linewidth; public Color color; public DoublePoint point; public PsgMatrix matrix; public String fontName; public int fontStyle; public int fontSize; public Font font; // Create a new PsgState. public PsgState() { linewidth = 0; color = Color.black; point = null; matrix = new PsgMatrix(); fontName = "Dialog"; fontStyle = Font.PLAIN; fontSize = 12; font = null; } public Object clone() { try { PsgState n = (PsgState) super.clone(); n.color = new Color( color.getRGB() ); if ( point != null ) n.point = (DoublePoint) point.clone(); n.matrix = (PsgMatrix) matrix.clone(); return n; } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e ) { // Shouldn't happen. throw new InternalError(); } } } class PsgPathItem extends Acme.GenericCloneable { public Point p; public int linewidth; public boolean draw; public PsgPathItem( int x, int y, int linewidth, boolean draw ) { this.p = new Point( x, y ); this.linewidth = linewidth; this.draw = draw; } // You might think that since we contain a Point object that we need // to clone it. However, we treat Points as immutable, never // modifying them once they are created, so it's perfectly safe // to just copy the reference and share the contents. } class PsgMatrix extends Acme.GenericCloneable { public double xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty; public PsgMatrix() { // Initialize with the identity matrix. xx = 1.0; xy = 0.0; yx = 0.0; yy = 1.0; tx = 0.0; ty = 0.0; } public PsgMatrix multiply( PsgMatrix b ) { PsgMatrix r = new PsgMatrix(); r.xx = this.xx * b.xx + this.xy * b.yx; r.xy = this.xx * b.xy + this.xy * b.yy; r.yy = this.yx * b.xy + this.yy * b.yy; r.yx = this.yx * b.xx + this.yy * b.yx; r.tx = this.tx * b.xx + this.ty * b.yx + b.tx; r.ty = this.tx * b.xy + this.ty * b.yy + b.ty; return r; } public PsgMatrix invert() throws PsgException { PsgMatrix r = new PsgMatrix(); double det = this.xx * this.yy - this.xy * this.yx; if ( det == 0.0 ) throw new PsgException( "undefined result" ); r.xx = this.yy / det; r.xy = - this.xy / det; r.yx = - this.yx / det; r.yy = this.xx / det; r.tx = - ( this.tx * r.xx + this.ty * r.yx ); r.ty = - ( this.tx * r.xy + this.ty * r.yy ); return r; } } // Test class. class PsgTest extends Applet { // Called when the applet is first created. public void init() { setBackground( Color.white ); } // Called when the applet should paint itself. public void paint( Graphics graphics ) { try { Psg psg = new Psg( this ); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 50, 50 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.stroke(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 150, 50 ); psg.rotate( 30 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.stroke(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 250, 50 ); psg.rotate( 30 ); psg.scale( 1.5, 1.5 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.stroke(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 50, 150 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.fill(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 150, 150 ); psg.rotate( 30 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.fill(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 250, 150 ); psg.rotate( 30 ); psg.scale( 1.5, 1.5 ); psg.newpath(); squarePath( psg, 50 ); psg.fill(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 50, 250 ); psg.newpath(); psg.arc( 25, 25, 25, 0, 360 ); psg.stroke(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 150, 250 ); psg.newpath(); psg.arc( 25, 25, 25, 0, 360 ); psg.fill(); psg.grestore(); psg.gsave(); psg.translate( 250, 250 ); psg.moveto( 0, 0 ); psg.curveto( 0, 50, 50, 50, 50, 0 ); psg.stroke(); psg.grestore(); } catch ( PsgException e ) { System.err.println( e ); System.exit( 1 ); } } private void squarePath( Psg psg, int size ) throws PsgException { psg.moveto( 0, 0 ); psg.rlineto( size, 0 ); psg.rlineto( 0, size ); psg.rlineto( -size, 0 ); psg.closepath(); } }