Jef Poskanzer's Photography
"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven
[Friends and Family]
[Industrial Archaeology]
[Deserts and Cacti]
[Hot Springs]
[Ultraviolet Light]
[The Bevatron]
[burningman '98 and '96]
[Red Oak Victory]
[Albany Bulb]
30sep2020 Oakland
Afternoon ride to Jack London Square, followed by a sunset / moonrise.
28sep2020 Berkeley
A few pix while noodling around Berkeley.
27sep2020 Dinner
Socially-distanced Chinese food at my sister's, for my mom's birthday.
26sep2020 Oakland
Biked to Jack London Square and back on a warm day. Later, a nice sunset.
22sep2020 SF
First day of Fall! I rode around the SF waterfront.
20sep2020 Oakland
Afternoon ride to Jack London Square and back.
19sep2020 SF
An afternoon and evening in San Francisco. Some wildfire smoke has returned but it's not bad.
16sep2020 Berkeley
Some Berkeley shots, including the first real sunset in a long time.
15sep2020 Wanderings
Some short rides near home. The smoke is dissipating.
13sep2020 Oakland
Did my usual ride to Lake Merritt and back, but all I photographed was street stuff.
09sep2020 Smokepocalypse
Wildfires to the north brought unprecedently dense smoke to the Bay Area. Most of these photos were taken around noon, when things had started to lighten up somewhat. At 10am it was literally too dark for photography.
05sep2020 SF
Nice warm day, good for a ride out to Ocean Beach.
02sep2020 Oakland
A ride through Oakland to Alameda and back to Fruitvale BART.
31aug2020 Berkeley
Various sightings in Berkeley.
29aug2020 SF
Seven hours of biking in the city! Too bad it wasn't very sunny.
27aug2020 Oakland
The fires surrounding the Bay Area are still going but the smoke has abated locally, so I did a nice healthy ride to Oakland.
22aug2020 Oakland
Another ride to Lake Merritt.
21aug2020 Misc.
A few pix while tootling around Berkeley.
15aug2020 SF
Nice hot day, good for a ride out to Ocean Beach and then back to downtown SF.
13aug2020 Oakland
Another Oakland ride. Visited the Telegraph/MacArthur protected intersection again to document some problems with it.
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