Jef Poskanzer's Photography

"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven

[Friends and Family] [Macro] [Industrial Archaeology] [Metal] [Deserts and Cacti] [Hiking] [Camping] [Biking] [Beaches] [Hot Springs] [Whitewater] [Ultraviolet Light] [Crafts] [Cats] [Trains] [The Bevatron] [burningman '98 and '96] [Red Oak Victory] [Construction] [Albany Bulb]

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21nov2019 Sunset
A few centered sunset pix.

20nov2019 SF
Long meander around downtown SF.

17nov2019 Sunset
A Golden Gate Sunset from the Berkeley Marina.

16nov2019 Richmond - San Rafael Bridge
The bike path on the Richmond - San Rafael Bridge opened today. A *lot* of people rode it. Afterwards I continued to San Francisco, total length 34 miles.

15nov2019 Oakland
Just a few pix on my afternoon Oakland ride.

12nov2019 Oakland
An Oakland ride. Scooter Goofus is still at it.

10nov2019 Oakland
Medium-length meander through Oakland.

09nov2019 SF
Just a short ride in SF. But I did see a giant poop!

07nov2019 Oakland
Another afternoon ride to Oakland.

05nov2019 Oakland
An Oakland ride via the upcoming park at the Bay Bridge.

03nov2019 Sunset
Centered sunset from the Lawrence Hall of Science.

02nov2019 Oakland
A nice ride through Oakland followed by a centered sunset from the Berkeley Pier.

31oct2019 SF
Rode a loop and a half around north-east SF.

30oct2019 Oakland
Another Oakland ride.

29oct2019 Noodling Around
A couple short bike rides around Berkeley.

27oct2019 Oakland
Another quick ride to Oakland. Lots of downed tree limbs, including a big one in my front yard.

26oct2019 Oakland
Did a quick ride to Oakland and back, only took an hour and a half.

25oct2019 Sunset
An ok Golden Gate Centered Sunset. I thought that maybe smoke from the Kincade Fire would make things interesting, but not really.

24oct2019 Bay Trail Fire
Went to see a medium-sized brush fire on the Bay Trail north of Point Isabel.

23oct2019 Oakland
A ride to Oakland, and on the way back a Golden Gate sunset.

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